Create digital birthday cards

Free digital birthday cards with music

Create a card

Add image, text, links, Youtube videos, Spotify embeds, and more.

Visually organize items and express your personal style.

Publish your card for others to discover or share privately with your loved one.

How to make a digital card

Open Sane
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Make a new birthday card
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Create a pace, fill in a description, and choose whether to make your card public or private.

Add items on the canvas
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Click to creatte image, text, links, notes, and more. You can make it as personal and fun as you like.

Make your card with music
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Add Spotify embeds, Youtube videos, and other media to create a unique card for a special occasion.

Share with your loved one in a click
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Publish your card for others to see or share as a unique link directly with your special someone.

Make a card